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Protective Cases

As an alternative to the Cable Splitters, customers have used our solution to convert 1 Powerline connector into two tails. The connectors can be configured in any combination of Male and Female to suit individual applications.

The standard design uses 2 x 120mm² single core cables crimped into one connector and tail lengths defined by your requirements, sealed to IP67 when coupled.

Part Numbers
Cable Breakout Connector A Tail Ends Part Number
1 x Female and 2 x Male Female Connector 2x Male Connectors CSB1CF2CM-*-**
1 x Male and 2 x Female Male Connector 2 x Female Connectors CSB1CM2CF-*-**

* Please add E (Earth), N (Neutral), 1 (Line 1), 2 (Line 2) or 3 (Line 3) as required.
** Please add cable tail lengths required.

Other Inlet/Outlet configurations are possible. Please consult our factory to discuss any requirements.